We are not accepting any returns or exchanges of items due to Covid 19 precautions. Please assure you select the correct item and size prior to check out. Payment transactions are safe and secure and confidential. No information obtained may be shared or sold.
Standard shipping time applies to all purchases. Please allow up to 10days for items to be received. If there are any issues past 10days please contact the vendor via email info@yestothechef.net.
Refund Policy
Refunds are at the discretion of the vendor. A request must be submitted via email info@yestothechef.net within 14days of purchase and receipt of items. If a refund is issued please allow up to 3weeks of notification from the vendor for a refund to be issued.
Pre-Orders & Out of Stock.
All pre-orders will be fulfilled once items are available for distribution and a notification will be sent to inform that the items are available. Please connect with us via email info@yestothechef.net for pre-orders not fulfilled within 30days of availability/notification and for questions about out of stock items.
Feel free to contact us.
Let’s stay connected!